Fungsi Terbaru WhatsApp Yang Anda Perlu tahu Untuk Elak Telefon Anda Daripada


Fungsi terbaru di whatsapp iaitu end-to-end encryption bermaksud mesej yang dihantar, call semua tu app lain/3rd party + pekerja whatsapp sendiri pun tak boleh rekod & simpan semua data tersebut.
Nak aktif fungsi end-to-end encryption ni kena masuk di maklumat chat orang lain/Contact Info orang tersebut & tekan logo mangga pada Encryption, kalau orang tersebut belum update whatsapp terbaru, tak boleh guna fungsi encryption ni.

Pastu kalau chat dgn orang yang tak kenal/atau chat tu belum encrypted, kena verify guna qr code atau kod nombor dibawah salah dengan guna salah satu qr code/kod nombor samada scan di iphone sendiri atau iphone orang tersebut (qr code/kod nombor tu mesti orang lain yang kita nak chat & bukan scan guna kod sendiri). Bila dah verify, chat dgn org tersebut akan encrypted, lock & 3rd party tak boleh rekod & simpan mesej, call pada chat tersebut.
Even whatsapp auto-encrypt bila dua2 dah update latest version pasti akan ada chat yg tak encrypted & sbb tu ada tuto cara buat + penerangan sekali. Lebih2 lagi whatsapp ni kadang2 tak stabil, selalu down, crash etc

end-to-end encryption
WhatsApp has always prioritized making your data and communication as secure as possible. And today, we're proud to announce that we've completed a technological development that makes WhatsApp a leader in protecting your private communication: full end-to-end encryption. From now on when you and your contacts use the latest version of the app, every call you make, and every message, photo, video, file, and voice message you send, is end-to-end encrypted by default, including group chats.

The idea is simple: when you send a message, the only person who can read it is the person or group chat that you send that message to. No one can see inside that message. Not cybercriminals. Not hackers. Not oppressive regimes. Not even us. End-to-end encryption helps make communication via WhatsApp private – sort of like a face-to-face conversation.

If you're interested in learning more about how end-to-end encryption works, you can read about it here. But all you need to know is that end-to-end encrypted messages can only be read by the recipients you intend. And if you're using the latest version of WhatsApp, you don't have to do a thing to encrypt your messages: end-to-end encryption is on by default and all the time.

We live in a world where more of our data is digitized than ever before. Every day we see stories about sensitive records being improperly accessed or stolen. And if nothing is done, more of people's digital information and communication will be vulnerable to attack in the years to come. Fortunately, end-to-end encryption protects us from these vulnerabilities.

Encryption is one of the most important tools governments, companies, and individuals have to promote safety and security in the new digital age. Recently there has been a lot of discussion about encrypted services and the work of law enforcement. While we recognize the important work of law enforcement in keeping people safe, efforts to weaken encryption risk exposing people's information to abuse from cybercriminals, hackers, and rogue states.

While WhatsApp is among the few communication platforms to build full end-to-end encryption that is on by default for everything you do, we expect that it will ultimately represent the future of personal communication.

The desire to protect people's private communication is one of the core beliefs we have at WhatsApp, and for me, it's personal. I grew up in the USSR during communist rule and the fact that people couldn't speak freely is one of the reasons my family moved to the United States.

Today more than a billion people are using WhatsApp to stay in touch with their friends and family all over the world. And now, every single one of those people can talk freely and securely on WhatsApp.

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